Friday, May 29, 2009

First day as a family of 5

Gary got up early and got Cody ready for school and let me sleep in! It was so nice. He said he found Anastasia awake singing in her bed around 6:30. She just fell asleep for the night, it's only 7pm, but I was surprised she made it through the day.
Cooper slept in also but when he woke up he as all about Anastasia. He played with her all morning, he said he didn't even want to play video games, and he sat and watched the Little Mermaid with her!!
AT one point he came running out of his room yelling "Anastasia said this is mine!"
I said, "Anastasia that is Cooper's not yours." Cooper said no, she said it is mine, she spoke English!!! He was so excited. I said, "yes she is learing English." He replied, "I think she is done learning, I think she knows it all!!" I assured him that she still had a lot to learn. But a couple minutes later she took a drink of something and goes, "ah, very, very cold" And he started freaking out again, "that's right Anastasia it is very cold, you know English!"
I spotted him several times just holding her hand, that is one sweet brother.
He does have one complaint though, he says she chomps when she eats. Her eating manners have improved, but we are having a hard time still. His mission for the day was to get her to chew with her mouth closed. We went to dinner tonight and he cried becuase he wanted to sit by her, I talked her into it even though she really wanted to sit by me.
Gary took the boys to a movie. I knew she wouldn't make it through it so we didn't tell her where they were going. I brought her home after dinner, I painted her finger and toenails, then we watched about 10 minutes of TV and her eyes were too heavy to keep up and she admitted she was ready for bed.
I am about to put my pjs on and climb into bed and watch TV with my dog, it's good to home


  1. Congrats and welcome home!!!

    24 hours of travel...yikes! Ours was 20 hours door-to-door with a direct flight Moscow-Los Angeles. Kudos to you for making it through layovers!

    Sounds like you're off to a great start. As one journey ends, the best one begins.

    Many blessings to your new family and welcome Anastasia!!


  2. Sounds like your first day was a good one. I can't wait to watch the story of your family unfold!
