After swimming yesterday we had lifegroup at our dear friends house. Anastasia fell asleep sitting next to me around 7:45, so we decided to call it a night. Upon arriving home Gary carried her in changed her and layed her down in her bed. She immediately started shaking and screaming for me. I went in and told her it was bed time, she was so upset, so I layed with her till she fell asleep. We are pretty sure this behavior is due to something relating to her mother's death. It is really the only time we have seen her cry, sometimes she seems terrified to go to bed, without me in particular. Once she snoring I left the room. She immediately popped back up screaming and running to the door. But this time, I was running short on patience, it was still very light outside, the room was well lit I didn't understand what there was for her to be scared of. I told her to get her butt back in the bed. I rubbed her back till she fell back to sleep. Repeat of screaming fit at soon as I leave the room. She also started screaming "up". I would just tell her no you are not getting up, you are tired, go back to sleep, get back into your bed, etc... Repeat, repeat, repeat. Finally after and hour of this, she shows me that she wants the door open, ugh, the whole time she was saying up she meant open!! She has always wanted the door wide open when she went to sleep on the rare occasion without me, but I thought it was to let light in. But there is something mental about having the door open, I truly felt bad. I opened the door, tucked her back in and kissed her goodnight, then went to my bed and was asleep within seconds.
She has asked before what if she died in her sleep, or what if I died in my sleep. God uses this experience time and time again to teach and mold me in my weakest area. I am not a patient bed time Mommy, my kids never got rocked for long periods of time, they get read to but then it's time to go to sleep, occasionaly I will lay with them for a couple minutes, but my ADD just won't let me relax long enough to stay longer. Well she is truly terrified and I need to build trust so I have been laying with her. I battle with this, because it causes jealousy in my boys, and it goes against my personality.
Haha, I just looked over at my bed, and the boys have disappeared to play outside, and she has fallen asleep, it's 8:15 and she has been up since 6:00 this morning.
We'll see how she does with me putting her in her bed!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Pool time
So yesterday we had a pretty busy day. We went to the pool with friends for the afternoon. She loves the idea of the pool, but she is more like a 3 year old wanting me to hold onto her the whole time. In a lifejacket her legs float to the surface causing her to roll over unvoluntarily. The first hour was a battle, she even went off on Gary and scratched him. She got a scolding and a time out, which she was not happy about and continued to pitch a fit. At once point she looked at me threatening to inflict the same on me as she had on Gary, to which I responded, "girl you go right on ahead, but Mama will do it right back" I'm not sure she understand my words, but she certainly understood my tone and she straightened up. By the time we left she was having Gary through her in the air and willingly going under the water. We made a huge deal of it, and she was screaming with joy, "I good job, I good job!"
About an hour before we left I noticed a woman walking stiffly over to the pool with a little help from her daughter. I turned to Gary and said, "Look I think she has what Anastasia has." So Anastasia and I made our way over and I asked the woman, sure enough!! And the daughter who was helping her into the pool was adopted, just several weeks ago, they had been her foster parents for 5 years, how awesome is that.
I got to talk to the woman for a little while about her CP, how it has effected her, etc... I felt a little foolish but I asked if she could swim, she said yes, although she uses her upper body more to do so than other people. She was very kind and gave me her phone number.
So I would say our trip to the pool was an overall success. I will be doing it many times without Gary's help over the summer on weekdays, so it was a good trial run. My goal is for her to be able to play independantly in a swimvest. I think the scratching thing was due to many things, her lack of language, reverting to 2 year old behavior and testing her new parents.
About an hour before we left I noticed a woman walking stiffly over to the pool with a little help from her daughter. I turned to Gary and said, "Look I think she has what Anastasia has." So Anastasia and I made our way over and I asked the woman, sure enough!! And the daughter who was helping her into the pool was adopted, just several weeks ago, they had been her foster parents for 5 years, how awesome is that.
I got to talk to the woman for a little while about her CP, how it has effected her, etc... I felt a little foolish but I asked if she could swim, she said yes, although she uses her upper body more to do so than other people. She was very kind and gave me her phone number.
So I would say our trip to the pool was an overall success. I will be doing it many times without Gary's help over the summer on weekdays, so it was a good trial run. My goal is for her to be able to play independantly in a swimvest. I think the scratching thing was due to many things, her lack of language, reverting to 2 year old behavior and testing her new parents.
Friday, May 29, 2009
First day as a family of 5
Gary got up early and got Cody ready for school and let me sleep in! It was so nice. He said he found Anastasia awake singing in her bed around 6:30. She just fell asleep for the night, it's only 7pm, but I was surprised she made it through the day.
Cooper slept in also but when he woke up he as all about Anastasia. He played with her all morning, he said he didn't even want to play video games, and he sat and watched the Little Mermaid with her!!
AT one point he came running out of his room yelling "Anastasia said this is mine!"
I said, "Anastasia that is Cooper's not yours." Cooper said no, she said it is mine, she spoke English!!! He was so excited. I said, "yes she is learing English." He replied, "I think she is done learning, I think she knows it all!!" I assured him that she still had a lot to learn. But a couple minutes later she took a drink of something and goes, "ah, very, very cold" And he started freaking out again, "that's right Anastasia it is very cold, you know English!"
I spotted him several times just holding her hand, that is one sweet brother.
He does have one complaint though, he says she chomps when she eats. Her eating manners have improved, but we are having a hard time still. His mission for the day was to get her to chew with her mouth closed. We went to dinner tonight and he cried becuase he wanted to sit by her, I talked her into it even though she really wanted to sit by me.
Gary took the boys to a movie. I knew she wouldn't make it through it so we didn't tell her where they were going. I brought her home after dinner, I painted her finger and toenails, then we watched about 10 minutes of TV and her eyes were too heavy to keep up and she admitted she was ready for bed.
I am about to put my pjs on and climb into bed and watch TV with my dog, it's good to home
Cooper slept in also but when he woke up he as all about Anastasia. He played with her all morning, he said he didn't even want to play video games, and he sat and watched the Little Mermaid with her!!
AT one point he came running out of his room yelling "Anastasia said this is mine!"
I said, "Anastasia that is Cooper's not yours." Cooper said no, she said it is mine, she spoke English!!! He was so excited. I said, "yes she is learing English." He replied, "I think she is done learning, I think she knows it all!!" I assured him that she still had a lot to learn. But a couple minutes later she took a drink of something and goes, "ah, very, very cold" And he started freaking out again, "that's right Anastasia it is very cold, you know English!"
I spotted him several times just holding her hand, that is one sweet brother.
He does have one complaint though, he says she chomps when she eats. Her eating manners have improved, but we are having a hard time still. His mission for the day was to get her to chew with her mouth closed. We went to dinner tonight and he cried becuase he wanted to sit by her, I talked her into it even though she really wanted to sit by me.
Gary took the boys to a movie. I knew she wouldn't make it through it so we didn't tell her where they were going. I brought her home after dinner, I painted her finger and toenails, then we watched about 10 minutes of TV and her eyes were too heavy to keep up and she admitted she was ready for bed.
I am about to put my pjs on and climb into bed and watch TV with my dog, it's good to home
Our Journey Home
All together it takes about 24 hours to get home from Russia. We woke up at 2:30 am in Russia, upon waking for some reason I had this feeling we had told the translator the wrong airport. The driver was to be picking us up at 3:20. I logged onto the computer and sure enough, we had. So Gary looked it up online and it said it was 50 miles away, eeek!!! The driver that was picking us up spoke no English, so Gary just looked up the name of the airport in Russian and wrote it down. The driver didn't seem panicked, and we made it in plenty of time.
Our facilitator had warned us that passport control may want to look at her birth certificate. Well when we approached the counter and handed the lady our passports she had the meanest smirk on her face. She stood there and looked at all of our paperwork. She spoke no English and there were was noone working who spoke English! She was claiming our name was not matching on something. I would love to give her the benefit of the doubt, but to be totally honest she was enjoying messing with us. She called several others over, and someone walked off with the original of Anastasia's birth certificate and adoption certificate!!! They left us standing there for another 30 minutes while they "checked on something" Then she smirked as she gave us back all of our documents and said "no probems"
Our first 2 flights were not bad, the second was 9 hours, so very long, but not too bad. Our third flight was delayed as we were about to take off, but only by about 45 minutes.
When we landed our second flight we had to go through customs at Charlotte, where we were to give them a sealed envelope that had paperwork from the Amercian Embassy in Russia. Well, when we got to customs, and handed them our number that passport control gave us,they barked at us to go sit in the office and someone would be there to help us. Well it was basically a waiting room with all the passport "invalids" We were scared we were going to miss our next flight. So Gary went and asked if they had flight info, and they told him he would have to call the airline himself, and since there were no cellphones allowed in customs that he would have to wait. They were very rude. At that point I was very irritated. Not only were they really rude, but my husband serves this country, we are not criminals we are just trying to get our daughter home. Well eventually a very nice man came and got us and gave us permission to go on, and they didn't search our bags, which was good because we didn't have much time to get to our next flight.
We arrived home to a house full of wonderful friends!! It was a huge surprise. They had decorated, stocked my fridge, mowwed our grass, and taken care of our home and children. Anastasia was overjoyed by all the pink decorations and friends and brothers to greet her, she was in heaven! I was competely surprised by the welcome home party, it was very touching.
Our facilitator had warned us that passport control may want to look at her birth certificate. Well when we approached the counter and handed the lady our passports she had the meanest smirk on her face. She stood there and looked at all of our paperwork. She spoke no English and there were was noone working who spoke English! She was claiming our name was not matching on something. I would love to give her the benefit of the doubt, but to be totally honest she was enjoying messing with us. She called several others over, and someone walked off with the original of Anastasia's birth certificate and adoption certificate!!! They left us standing there for another 30 minutes while they "checked on something" Then she smirked as she gave us back all of our documents and said "no probems"
Our first 2 flights were not bad, the second was 9 hours, so very long, but not too bad. Our third flight was delayed as we were about to take off, but only by about 45 minutes.
When we landed our second flight we had to go through customs at Charlotte, where we were to give them a sealed envelope that had paperwork from the Amercian Embassy in Russia. Well, when we got to customs, and handed them our number that passport control gave us,they barked at us to go sit in the office and someone would be there to help us. Well it was basically a waiting room with all the passport "invalids" We were scared we were going to miss our next flight. So Gary went and asked if they had flight info, and they told him he would have to call the airline himself, and since there were no cellphones allowed in customs that he would have to wait. They were very rude. At that point I was very irritated. Not only were they really rude, but my husband serves this country, we are not criminals we are just trying to get our daughter home. Well eventually a very nice man came and got us and gave us permission to go on, and they didn't search our bags, which was good because we didn't have much time to get to our next flight.
We arrived home to a house full of wonderful friends!! It was a huge surprise. They had decorated, stocked my fridge, mowwed our grass, and taken care of our home and children. Anastasia was overjoyed by all the pink decorations and friends and brothers to greet her, she was in heaven! I was competely surprised by the welcome home party, it was very touching.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
She has learned when she wants something to say, Please, Poppy, Please.
Her and Poppy love to play fight and rough house, she does have 2 brothers after all.
Yesterday they were play fighting. And she said " I don't know I love you, you go now"
She holds her fists up to him and says " And you"
She now says Thank you without being prompted and it's the cutest most sincere Thank you you've ever heard
She says Excuse me
Her "I don't know" is too cute also
Haha, she is right now trying to convince him to wash her feet in the sink because they stink, she says they always stink, I think I believe her. He's refusing, so she told him, "no I love, no ice cream, no America"
She has you and me mixed up right now, she will say, "Mommy please help you"
Her and Poppy love to play fight and rough house, she does have 2 brothers after all.
Yesterday they were play fighting. And she said " I don't know I love you, you go now"
She holds her fists up to him and says " And you"
She now says Thank you without being prompted and it's the cutest most sincere Thank you you've ever heard
She says Excuse me
Her "I don't know" is too cute also
Haha, she is right now trying to convince him to wash her feet in the sink because they stink, she says they always stink, I think I believe her. He's refusing, so she told him, "no I love, no ice cream, no America"
She has you and me mixed up right now, she will say, "Mommy please help you"
We Are SO Out of Here
We finished everything that needs to be done here! We changed our flights to go home a day early. Thank God for Golden Rule Travel!!
This morning we had our Visa Interview at the Embassy. Very interesting. You go into the building with your official papers. No phones, cameras, etc... And no going out once you come in. We had a paper "invitation". We go to window #4 to pay then sit and wait for our turn. There were 2 other families there also, one with an almost 2 year old ball of adorableness, and another with 2 beautiful girls age 6 and 10. We got sit and talk for a while, it was nice. So once you have your interview, which consists of verifying info pretty much, then you sit back down for about 10 minutes. Anastasia had to go potty. We come out of the potty and everyone is staring at me. I look at Gary and ask him "what?" His response, "you don't want to know"
Then the mother of the almost 2 year old comes running up from behind she says, "I couldn't catch him, I yelled his name but he couldn't hear me, and I was not allowed to go out."
Then Gary tells me, "we all went up to the window to get our paperwork, (which is many official papers plus the child's passport and visa). He said, "they gave that other guy with the 2 girls our Anastasia's paperwork and us their Anastasia's" The other guy had gone first and walked out, Gary walked up to the window took the papers, looked down, and said, this is the wrong one! Upon hearing this the other mom jumped up and tried to run after the guy. So I guess what happened was the Embassy people called the guy's coordinator and told them about the mistake, went outside and switched the paperwork.
All is good, just another story to tell. But really if you could see the papers we had to fill out to get that paperwork done, and how specific we had to be, and that can't read the first and last names!!!
Right now it is 7 pm, our driver comes to get us a little after 3 am, and drives us to the Moscow airport, We cannot wait to get home, get her to America, and be back with our boys, we have never been away from them this long.
This morning we had our Visa Interview at the Embassy. Very interesting. You go into the building with your official papers. No phones, cameras, etc... And no going out once you come in. We had a paper "invitation". We go to window #4 to pay then sit and wait for our turn. There were 2 other families there also, one with an almost 2 year old ball of adorableness, and another with 2 beautiful girls age 6 and 10. We got sit and talk for a while, it was nice. So once you have your interview, which consists of verifying info pretty much, then you sit back down for about 10 minutes. Anastasia had to go potty. We come out of the potty and everyone is staring at me. I look at Gary and ask him "what?" His response, "you don't want to know"
Then the mother of the almost 2 year old comes running up from behind she says, "I couldn't catch him, I yelled his name but he couldn't hear me, and I was not allowed to go out."
Then Gary tells me, "we all went up to the window to get our paperwork, (which is many official papers plus the child's passport and visa). He said, "they gave that other guy with the 2 girls our Anastasia's paperwork and us their Anastasia's" The other guy had gone first and walked out, Gary walked up to the window took the papers, looked down, and said, this is the wrong one! Upon hearing this the other mom jumped up and tried to run after the guy. So I guess what happened was the Embassy people called the guy's coordinator and told them about the mistake, went outside and switched the paperwork.
All is good, just another story to tell. But really if you could see the papers we had to fill out to get that paperwork done, and how specific we had to be, and that can't read the first and last names!!!
Right now it is 7 pm, our driver comes to get us a little after 3 am, and drives us to the Moscow airport, We cannot wait to get home, get her to America, and be back with our boys, we have never been away from them this long.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Joys and Trials
As in any other parenting journey we are on a long road of joys and trials. The trials have been so trivial so far, and at this point still comical to us.
She has not wanted to walk, which is the opposite of how she was while with us in the US. When we go out to walk around and eat she insists Gary carry her. Well, at the dr. today she weighed at least 56lbs(she was not fully balanced on the scale) We have no idea how she managed to gain weight in an orphanage!!! We feel blessed that she is so healthy, but I can barely lift her. Table manners are another trial, face over plate and shovel seems to be her strategy, we are working on smaller bites and slowwing down, and wiping our face. She seems so puzzled when we instruct her on this. Sometimes she even chokes she eats so fast.
And our welcome to the world of girls-whining!! When we are in the apartment she whines over and over to go outside, she says outside 5 million times, each time getting more whiney. We ask her to stop asking, most of the time we are still getting ready, etc... Then once we are at a restaurant she whines for her food, then once she is done eating she whines to leave. I am positive she understands when we tell her to stop whining. She repeatedly says "mommy go, etc.." So tonight after dinner she started doing the whining, we told her to stop, she did not, sometimes she even does it with a smirk on her face, I told her we would go home(apartment) rather then outside walking if she did it again. We have threatened this before but never followed through. So of course she whined again. So we told her now we are going home. She was still smirking thinking we wouldn't do it. She walked holding my hand whining, she walked behind me hanging onto my jacket whining, "no home mommy outside" I said nothing to her and instructed Gary to do the same. About half way back I could tell she was not walking well so I asked if she wanted Daddy to carry her, she looked surprised, like this was an odd offer cosidering we were mad at her.
When we got back to the apartment I explained to her again why we came straight home. I'll let you know tomorrow if it works!!
Yesterday we were trying to get her to walk while we were outside and she refused. Finally we told her she had to. As soon as we put her down, she took my hand and walked me as fast as she could, about 5 stores back from the way we came to a children's clothes store!! Ha, she loves to shop. That's my girl.
She seems a little stiffer than before and more frustrated with her body. Understandable. We don't know how soon she will be able to have surgery, and Gary and I were talking about crutches or a walker. Just to use sometimes. I told him she wasn't going to like the idea, to her that is not "normal", and she wants to be "normal". So today I pulled up a picuture of a child with CP using the elbow crutches, She dropped to the ground and layed face down, and said "no,no,no". She was not yelling or throwing a fit, just refusing to take part in the onversation. I told her it would keep her from falling and be easier, "no,no,no"
Oh, boy!
The joys-are too numerous to list.
One of the cutest things-her saying I don't know with her Russian accent
Her common come back when she thinks she doesn't like something you said, or if Gary is teasing her, "NO, You!" Except, it comes out "No Chjew"
She loves to learn, she just soaks it in. She can count to 12,and can write up to 10 (in english)
She is very quickly learning her colors.
Letters are harder, because some of the same letters in our language have totally different sounds. But I don't think it will take her long. And she can write small words and sound them out in Russian. She seems to be on the fast end of learning English.
She is so sweet and giving. When we come home, she kneels down to help me with taking my shoes off. As much as she loves her food, she will quickly share, even if you have nothing to share in return. Haha, tonight at dinner she saw the fries on Gary's plate and wanted some, she she offered him some of her food. Pretty smart!!
She notices needs, like I was laying my head on the hard couch arm, she folded up her special blanket and brought it to me to put under my head.
She is just so vibrant, receptive, spirited, empathetic, just amazing!!
When I was laying with her tonight I was trying to explain to her about her new name. She has no clue she ever had a Russian middle name, she doesn't understand what a middle name is. She told me in her own way that she will take the Michelle, but she wants nothing to do with the Suttles. Hehe, she'll learn over time.
She asks over and over to go home to America, and to see Cody and Cooper.
She has not wanted to walk, which is the opposite of how she was while with us in the US. When we go out to walk around and eat she insists Gary carry her. Well, at the dr. today she weighed at least 56lbs(she was not fully balanced on the scale) We have no idea how she managed to gain weight in an orphanage!!! We feel blessed that she is so healthy, but I can barely lift her. Table manners are another trial, face over plate and shovel seems to be her strategy, we are working on smaller bites and slowwing down, and wiping our face. She seems so puzzled when we instruct her on this. Sometimes she even chokes she eats so fast.
And our welcome to the world of girls-whining!! When we are in the apartment she whines over and over to go outside, she says outside 5 million times, each time getting more whiney. We ask her to stop asking, most of the time we are still getting ready, etc... Then once we are at a restaurant she whines for her food, then once she is done eating she whines to leave. I am positive she understands when we tell her to stop whining. She repeatedly says "mommy go, etc.." So tonight after dinner she started doing the whining, we told her to stop, she did not, sometimes she even does it with a smirk on her face, I told her we would go home(apartment) rather then outside walking if she did it again. We have threatened this before but never followed through. So of course she whined again. So we told her now we are going home. She was still smirking thinking we wouldn't do it. She walked holding my hand whining, she walked behind me hanging onto my jacket whining, "no home mommy outside" I said nothing to her and instructed Gary to do the same. About half way back I could tell she was not walking well so I asked if she wanted Daddy to carry her, she looked surprised, like this was an odd offer cosidering we were mad at her.
When we got back to the apartment I explained to her again why we came straight home. I'll let you know tomorrow if it works!!
Yesterday we were trying to get her to walk while we were outside and she refused. Finally we told her she had to. As soon as we put her down, she took my hand and walked me as fast as she could, about 5 stores back from the way we came to a children's clothes store!! Ha, she loves to shop. That's my girl.
She seems a little stiffer than before and more frustrated with her body. Understandable. We don't know how soon she will be able to have surgery, and Gary and I were talking about crutches or a walker. Just to use sometimes. I told him she wasn't going to like the idea, to her that is not "normal", and she wants to be "normal". So today I pulled up a picuture of a child with CP using the elbow crutches, She dropped to the ground and layed face down, and said "no,no,no". She was not yelling or throwing a fit, just refusing to take part in the onversation. I told her it would keep her from falling and be easier, "no,no,no"
Oh, boy!
The joys-are too numerous to list.
One of the cutest things-her saying I don't know with her Russian accent
Her common come back when she thinks she doesn't like something you said, or if Gary is teasing her, "NO, You!" Except, it comes out "No Chjew"
She loves to learn, she just soaks it in. She can count to 12,and can write up to 10 (in english)
She is very quickly learning her colors.
Letters are harder, because some of the same letters in our language have totally different sounds. But I don't think it will take her long. And she can write small words and sound them out in Russian. She seems to be on the fast end of learning English.
She is so sweet and giving. When we come home, she kneels down to help me with taking my shoes off. As much as she loves her food, she will quickly share, even if you have nothing to share in return. Haha, tonight at dinner she saw the fries on Gary's plate and wanted some, she she offered him some of her food. Pretty smart!!
She notices needs, like I was laying my head on the hard couch arm, she folded up her special blanket and brought it to me to put under my head.
She is just so vibrant, receptive, spirited, empathetic, just amazing!!
When I was laying with her tonight I was trying to explain to her about her new name. She has no clue she ever had a Russian middle name, she doesn't understand what a middle name is. She told me in her own way that she will take the Michelle, but she wants nothing to do with the Suttles. Hehe, she'll learn over time.
She asks over and over to go home to America, and to see Cody and Cooper.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gotcha Day
In the adoption world Gotcha Day is a celebration of the day you get your child. Yesterday was our gotcha day.
As soon as we got to the orphanage she wanted to get out of there. But her caregivers made her take the time to say goodbye to everyone. It was very hard to say goodbye to all those little faces. Her friend V gave her a kiss on the cheek, that little charmer. She did not cry when we left, she just wanted to go. Once we got in the car she did not want to stop to eat. She was afraid we were going to take her back. It's hard for her to understand why we are still in Russia. The translator explained to her several times that she was not going back, but she was still worried.
We tried to get her to take a nap, since she does usually and she was almost asleep in the car. But I was laying next to her, and whenever I would open my eyes she would be staring at me with a huge grin on her face, "Mommy, I love you." She was just too excited to sleep.
She requested pizza for dinner. We went to this restaurant we found that serves really good "american" food. She chowed down on the pizza, the girls who worked there were just staring at her, I'm pretty sure they've never seen a child eat that much. She asked me again after dinner if after she slept if she had to go back to the orphanage. Poor thing is not going to feel better till she is back in America.
Speaking of staring. People with disabilites are not seen in public in Russia. And boy do people stare, adults and children alike. Not the same kind of sympathetic type of stare you would get in the US from most people. That's really a sad thing, and I pray this changes in the future.
She had told us on the phone several weeks ago that someone had given her a cell phone but that it didn't have any money on it. We thought someone had given her an old cellphone to play with. Not exactly.
We get back to the apartment and she pulls out this cellphone, and a small notebook with several phone numbers in it. She dials a security code, then dials someone's number, and proceeds to have a little conversation!! We were in shock!! Was she really speaking to someone? So we have her use the regular phone to dial the same number, sure enough a Russian speaking woman answers the phone. So not only does she have this cellphone whoever gave it to her gave her a charger to go with it. Eventually our translator called us and we were able to have her talk to Nahstya. She said when she was in the hospital a lady there gave it to her. I was so mad, who gives a 7 year old a cellphone!! And I was scared what kind of weirdo exactly would do this also.
Today, the land phone in the apartment rings, and it is the lady who gave her the phone, she speaks very broken English. She tells me she works at the hospital and met Nahstya there, She tells me how wonderful she thinks Nahsta is and that she is glad that she was adopted by Americans. She seems harmless and very nice. Our translator says she thinks the lady just pitied Nahstya and wanted to do something nice. But I'm still wierded out a bit. Nahstya totally freaked out when we took the phone from her, crying and everything, which is not like her. So I let her speak to the lady, and figured once we get back to the states it will be behind us. Is this not odd? I am also angered that the children's home sent her with us without mentioning this. It's just not normal.
As soon as we got to the orphanage she wanted to get out of there. But her caregivers made her take the time to say goodbye to everyone. It was very hard to say goodbye to all those little faces. Her friend V gave her a kiss on the cheek, that little charmer. She did not cry when we left, she just wanted to go. Once we got in the car she did not want to stop to eat. She was afraid we were going to take her back. It's hard for her to understand why we are still in Russia. The translator explained to her several times that she was not going back, but she was still worried.
We tried to get her to take a nap, since she does usually and she was almost asleep in the car. But I was laying next to her, and whenever I would open my eyes she would be staring at me with a huge grin on her face, "Mommy, I love you." She was just too excited to sleep.
She requested pizza for dinner. We went to this restaurant we found that serves really good "american" food. She chowed down on the pizza, the girls who worked there were just staring at her, I'm pretty sure they've never seen a child eat that much. She asked me again after dinner if after she slept if she had to go back to the orphanage. Poor thing is not going to feel better till she is back in America.
Speaking of staring. People with disabilites are not seen in public in Russia. And boy do people stare, adults and children alike. Not the same kind of sympathetic type of stare you would get in the US from most people. That's really a sad thing, and I pray this changes in the future.
She had told us on the phone several weeks ago that someone had given her a cell phone but that it didn't have any money on it. We thought someone had given her an old cellphone to play with. Not exactly.
We get back to the apartment and she pulls out this cellphone, and a small notebook with several phone numbers in it. She dials a security code, then dials someone's number, and proceeds to have a little conversation!! We were in shock!! Was she really speaking to someone? So we have her use the regular phone to dial the same number, sure enough a Russian speaking woman answers the phone. So not only does she have this cellphone whoever gave it to her gave her a charger to go with it. Eventually our translator called us and we were able to have her talk to Nahstya. She said when she was in the hospital a lady there gave it to her. I was so mad, who gives a 7 year old a cellphone!! And I was scared what kind of weirdo exactly would do this also.
Today, the land phone in the apartment rings, and it is the lady who gave her the phone, she speaks very broken English. She tells me she works at the hospital and met Nahstya there, She tells me how wonderful she thinks Nahsta is and that she is glad that she was adopted by Americans. She seems harmless and very nice. Our translator says she thinks the lady just pitied Nahstya and wanted to do something nice. But I'm still wierded out a bit. Nahstya totally freaked out when we took the phone from her, crying and everything, which is not like her. So I let her speak to the lady, and figured once we get back to the states it will be behind us. Is this not odd? I am also angered that the children's home sent her with us without mentioning this. It's just not normal.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Peter and Paul

Yesterday we decided to just walk, and walk and walk. We walked for 6 hours. We walked all the way to Peter and Paul Fortress. This is located on one of the little islands. So there is a little "beach" area. There were many Mom's having playdates with other moms and their children, and there were even people sunbathing. Our translator said there is a group of people that sunbathe if the sun is out, even if is it 30 degrees out!
The wolves are coming, the wolves are coming

OK this is wrong, funny, but wrong. Anastasia has this friend at the orphanage, this little boys just shines with personality. They are very good friends, going to get married is what they both say. He cannot walk, his hands are very malformed as are his legs. I'll call him V for short. V was playing color wonder with us. All morning there were several of the smaller boys following us around. These 2 seemed like maybe they had some mental disabilites also. Sweet as can be, they just wanted some attention and were curious about what was going on. Well Anastasia and V obviously did not want him hanging around, so they started yelling at him, "the wolves are coming the wolves are coming."
I think our translator was surprised when I told Anastasia not to do thatm because it was mean, and we should share with everyone. As a matter of fact, when I said it she didn't even translate it!
Anyways here is a couple pictures of V and Anastasia playing.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Home Sick
Already we are home sick. I miss my boys like crazy. Cooper graduates from Pre-K tomorrow, sniff sniff. I think once we have Anastasia the time will go by faster.
We are picking her up Friday morning.
The past 2 days has been spent driving from place to place doing paperwork. It's not hard work on our part, since we don't speak Russian, we usually just have to sign on the check mark.
In Russia everyone is registered in the district in which they live, so you can't just move and not register. Well for whatever reason she was still registered according to her mother's address. So we had to relinquish that, then do this and that and something else, haha. This took hours on end in the car in the craziest traffic you have ever seen.
We were hoping to find out the cause of her mother's death, noone wants to fess up. I know that the orphanage must know, but they do not want to say. Part of me is scared what we may find out, 31 year olds don't just die. And no matter how bad the news, we want to know, because Nahstia one day will want to know. She may already know. This will be something we will find out hopefully when we do her birth family search. It will not be something we share with anybody most likely. It will be kept secret by us until she is old enough to know, then it will be her information to tell as she likes. Through this birth family search we may also find out who her father is, unlikely but maybe.
Gary was excited because we moved apartments and there is a Carl's Jr. just a couple minutes away. I guess this is the same as Hardee's in the US. They are the most American I have seen here, they even have salad with real lettuce. And our favorite part, fountain drinks with ice and refills!
We are picking her up Friday morning.
The past 2 days has been spent driving from place to place doing paperwork. It's not hard work on our part, since we don't speak Russian, we usually just have to sign on the check mark.
In Russia everyone is registered in the district in which they live, so you can't just move and not register. Well for whatever reason she was still registered according to her mother's address. So we had to relinquish that, then do this and that and something else, haha. This took hours on end in the car in the craziest traffic you have ever seen.
We were hoping to find out the cause of her mother's death, noone wants to fess up. I know that the orphanage must know, but they do not want to say. Part of me is scared what we may find out, 31 year olds don't just die. And no matter how bad the news, we want to know, because Nahstia one day will want to know. She may already know. This will be something we will find out hopefully when we do her birth family search. It will not be something we share with anybody most likely. It will be kept secret by us until she is old enough to know, then it will be her information to tell as she likes. Through this birth family search we may also find out who her father is, unlikely but maybe.
Gary was excited because we moved apartments and there is a Carl's Jr. just a couple minutes away. I guess this is the same as Hardee's in the US. They are the most American I have seen here, they even have salad with real lettuce. And our favorite part, fountain drinks with ice and refills!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Miracles do happen!
Noone knows why, and everyone was in shock, we got an immediate decision!!
They were still telling us this morning they did not expect it, the judge had already told them at their meeting that the 10 days would not be waived. She just does not waive the 10 days we were told, but she did!!! We just emphasized that we had spoke to several doctors and were ready to get her immediate medical help for her condition. She seemed impressed by the fact that we have called the orphanage on a regular basis. She seemed to like Gary, she smiled when he answered several questions. I gave the closing statement and that was our chance to "plead our case", I told her that we truly loved and missed Anastasia and that we were eager to have her home with us so that we could get her the medical treatment that she needed so that she would be ready to start school, I felt as if the surgery would make her safer and build her self confidence. She said, how soon do you want to take her home?
The whole court room (all 7 of us) about fainted, I said "The soonest you would allow her to come home" She said "So if I said tomorrow you would be ready" "Yes your honor that would be wonderul" Everyone still just sat there with huge dumb-founded smiles. There was the social worker and paperwork lady from the orphanage, 2 court officials and our translator. She then left to make her decision. The Russians were giggling like school girls, they could not believe what just happened. The social worker and paperwork people gave wonderful heartfelt testimonies on our part, I'm sure they helped our case.
She came back not even 10 minutes later and granted us our adoption, with immediate decision!!!
There were hugs all around. Our Russian facilitor that works for the adoption agency was sitting in the hallway waiting, when we opened the door and told her she hugged us and said she had no idea how we got an immediate decision. Then we sat there while 5 Russian ladies made many phone calls to many people trying to sort out what to do next. I cannot tell you the compassion we were shown today. I'm sobbing recalling it. IF you are reading this and adopting from Russia, I can tell you I truly believe every family that adopts from there is teaching about compassion to people who have not been taught it and probably not shown it. Especially those who are adopting older or special needs children. They still do not understand why we would want to do this, but as they see us do it over and over again I believe that they are learning that we love these children just as any other and as our own.
I would love to be in bed right now, but I am waiting to be contacted about change of flights, hotels, etc...
We went today and got her new birth certificate!! It is in Russian but they showed us where it said "Anastasia Michelle Suttles", and where it listed us as her parents!! So surreal.
The next several days are very busy with paperwork. Anastasia will stay in the children's home for that period of time. These are not short easy trips to do paperwork. Also she needs time to process that she is leaving the orphanage and time to say goodbye. She told us yesterday she is ready to come home NOW.
Please continue to pray our paperwork goes smoothly. As of now we are flying home next Friday the 29th!
I will keep you posted
They were still telling us this morning they did not expect it, the judge had already told them at their meeting that the 10 days would not be waived. She just does not waive the 10 days we were told, but she did!!! We just emphasized that we had spoke to several doctors and were ready to get her immediate medical help for her condition. She seemed impressed by the fact that we have called the orphanage on a regular basis. She seemed to like Gary, she smiled when he answered several questions. I gave the closing statement and that was our chance to "plead our case", I told her that we truly loved and missed Anastasia and that we were eager to have her home with us so that we could get her the medical treatment that she needed so that she would be ready to start school, I felt as if the surgery would make her safer and build her self confidence. She said, how soon do you want to take her home?
The whole court room (all 7 of us) about fainted, I said "The soonest you would allow her to come home" She said "So if I said tomorrow you would be ready" "Yes your honor that would be wonderul" Everyone still just sat there with huge dumb-founded smiles. There was the social worker and paperwork lady from the orphanage, 2 court officials and our translator. She then left to make her decision. The Russians were giggling like school girls, they could not believe what just happened. The social worker and paperwork people gave wonderful heartfelt testimonies on our part, I'm sure they helped our case.
She came back not even 10 minutes later and granted us our adoption, with immediate decision!!!
There were hugs all around. Our Russian facilitor that works for the adoption agency was sitting in the hallway waiting, when we opened the door and told her she hugged us and said she had no idea how we got an immediate decision. Then we sat there while 5 Russian ladies made many phone calls to many people trying to sort out what to do next. I cannot tell you the compassion we were shown today. I'm sobbing recalling it. IF you are reading this and adopting from Russia, I can tell you I truly believe every family that adopts from there is teaching about compassion to people who have not been taught it and probably not shown it. Especially those who are adopting older or special needs children. They still do not understand why we would want to do this, but as they see us do it over and over again I believe that they are learning that we love these children just as any other and as our own.
I would love to be in bed right now, but I am waiting to be contacted about change of flights, hotels, etc...
We went today and got her new birth certificate!! It is in Russian but they showed us where it said "Anastasia Michelle Suttles", and where it listed us as her parents!! So surreal.
The next several days are very busy with paperwork. Anastasia will stay in the children's home for that period of time. These are not short easy trips to do paperwork. Also she needs time to process that she is leaving the orphanage and time to say goodbye. She told us yesterday she is ready to come home NOW.
Please continue to pray our paperwork goes smoothly. As of now we are flying home next Friday the 29th!
I will keep you posted
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Court tomorrow, well actually today,
It's after midnight here. It did not get dark until almost 11.
This morning we went to the orphanage around 10:30. The children were outside playing so we got to play outside with her which was nice. She said she did not know we were coming and that it was a surprise. We also got to interact with some of the other children, which was heartbreaking. 2 boys in particular followed us around saying Mama Papa, and talking to us. They are all so sweet, some of them are being hosted this summer, I pray that they find their forever homes.
They still say they expect our court to be easy and short, but that they do not expect the 10 days to be waived and that we will have a 3rd trip. We do not have our hopes up, but we are still praying for a miracle. If not, we or I will return on the 28th, to start all her final paperwork.
They said they had to travel to her biological grandmother's house 3 times to get her to sign the release papers. They said she is such a drunk and very hard to deal with. They said her biological grandfather seems very nice and just wants what is best for Nahstia.
Nahstia said she is ready to come home now. When we told her it would be another 2 weeks, she said she didn't know how long that was, but that it didn't sound very long.
This morning we went to the orphanage around 10:30. The children were outside playing so we got to play outside with her which was nice. She said she did not know we were coming and that it was a surprise. We also got to interact with some of the other children, which was heartbreaking. 2 boys in particular followed us around saying Mama Papa, and talking to us. They are all so sweet, some of them are being hosted this summer, I pray that they find their forever homes.
They still say they expect our court to be easy and short, but that they do not expect the 10 days to be waived and that we will have a 3rd trip. We do not have our hopes up, but we are still praying for a miracle. If not, we or I will return on the 28th, to start all her final paperwork.
They said they had to travel to her biological grandmother's house 3 times to get her to sign the release papers. They said she is such a drunk and very hard to deal with. They said her biological grandfather seems very nice and just wants what is best for Nahstia.
Nahstia said she is ready to come home now. When we told her it would be another 2 weeks, she said she didn't know how long that was, but that it didn't sound very long.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Carrots in the Bathroom?
We just got to our apartment a little bit ago, it's about 8:25 pm here, noonish back home. Our flights were fine. I did see several odd things in the airport. The first of which was a woman peeling a carrot in the bathroom. Like a whole carrot, with a peeler, how can she have a peeler at the airport when your not even supposed to have tweezers? And why are her carrots so important to her that she carries them with her and peels them, in the bathroom. This was a Frankfurt airport...weird!!!!
The second of which was an employee at one of the duty free shops she walked up to a display of perfum sprayed her hands about 5 times, rubbed them together, then walked to another bottle and repeated the same action. I wanted to gag just watching it, what in the world is that all about. There was an American couple standing next to me when it happened and they were as stumped as I was.
We get to go visit Anastasia tomorrow!!
That's all the excitement here.
The second of which was an employee at one of the duty free shops she walked up to a display of perfum sprayed her hands about 5 times, rubbed them together, then walked to another bottle and repeated the same action. I wanted to gag just watching it, what in the world is that all about. There was an American couple standing next to me when it happened and they were as stumped as I was.
We get to go visit Anastasia tomorrow!!
That's all the excitement here.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Yes, I'm excited
People keep asking, are you excited, are you nervous, etc... Yes we are excited, a little nervous, but not so much.
What have I been doing?
Cleaning, a lot, I believe I am in supercharged nesting mode!
Finishing up Anastasia's room
We need to study our homestudy to make sure we remember what it says, because that is what the judge will have read before she asks us questions. Not that our homestudy is full of lies, but things can get mixed up in translation so we need to remember what says what about what.
We have paperwork to fill out for the embassy, we just got this yesterday, and it feels surreal to fill it out for Anastasia.
Creative packing, we have not only the things Gary and I need, but also many gifts that we must take, and we also need to pack for Anastasia just in case.
Getting things in order here for the wonderful friends who will be caring for our boys while we are away, we have so many great friends, love you guys!
So yes really excited, but it still feels surreal, so hard to explain!!
What have I been doing?
Cleaning, a lot, I believe I am in supercharged nesting mode!
Finishing up Anastasia's room
We need to study our homestudy to make sure we remember what it says, because that is what the judge will have read before she asks us questions. Not that our homestudy is full of lies, but things can get mixed up in translation so we need to remember what says what about what.
We have paperwork to fill out for the embassy, we just got this yesterday, and it feels surreal to fill it out for Anastasia.
Creative packing, we have not only the things Gary and I need, but also many gifts that we must take, and we also need to pack for Anastasia just in case.
Getting things in order here for the wonderful friends who will be caring for our boys while we are away, we have so many great friends, love you guys!
So yes really excited, but it still feels surreal, so hard to explain!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thank you ....yes you!!!
I have gotten several very encouraging emails from people, they have meant so much, and given me much needed strength. Because money, etc... are all useless without the will and strength. Thank you to anyone who has shown us support, no matter how small it may have seemed.
So, an amazing thing happened. I sat donw today to look at flights, visa prices. etc...
I called Gary over to the computer to tell him that our Visas were going to be 1700.00 not 700.00 like last time. I didn't know where this cash would come from. I didn't feel worried about it. I did several other thing son the computer then logged into my paypal account to pay Tim the translator the 20.00 I owed him for last nights call to Anastasia, and it says there has been a 1000.00 donation. I looked away then looked back, and it was still there!!! The exact amount we needed! HOw amazing is that? This donation was from a relative I have not seen for a long time, probably not since I was a little girl or maybe a teenager. Another family member had referred them to my blog. What a blessing it was for them to support us!
At times when I felt weakest I have gotten amazing encouraging emails. On dsys when the pot runs dry, suddenly there is something there!
I thank those people who have done anything to support us.
So, an amazing thing happened. I sat donw today to look at flights, visa prices. etc...
I called Gary over to the computer to tell him that our Visas were going to be 1700.00 not 700.00 like last time. I didn't know where this cash would come from. I didn't feel worried about it. I did several other thing son the computer then logged into my paypal account to pay Tim the translator the 20.00 I owed him for last nights call to Anastasia, and it says there has been a 1000.00 donation. I looked away then looked back, and it was still there!!! The exact amount we needed! HOw amazing is that? This donation was from a relative I have not seen for a long time, probably not since I was a little girl or maybe a teenager. Another family member had referred them to my blog. What a blessing it was for them to support us!
At times when I felt weakest I have gotten amazing encouraging emails. On dsys when the pot runs dry, suddenly there is something there!
I thank those people who have done anything to support us.
NO News IS Good News
So, we were notified this morning of our court date. YEAH!!!!! May 18th!! Boy does our agency work fast. So at first I was so excited but not panicked, then I realized we've got to fly out mext Friday!! OMGoodness, that is like a week and a half away.
Our wonderful friends are keeping our boys while we are gone.
We did not get the judge we were hoping for, so they said there is only like 1% chance we will get our 10 days waived.I'm no math wiz, but those are not good odds.
But I am at peace with that, becuase, next month, my daughter will be HOME.
Our wonderful friends are keeping our boys while we are gone.
We did not get the judge we were hoping for, so they said there is only like 1% chance we will get our 10 days waived.I'm no math wiz, but those are not good odds.
But I am at peace with that, becuase, next month, my daughter will be HOME.
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