Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hi all, we have been very busy preparing for Anastasia's departure tomorrow. She also had her dental work done yesterday. She did so awesome, they were impressed by her.
She has been crying telling us "no airport", and she says "ohhhh, my cody-bug" That is is one of my nickname's for Cody. I was crying with her, but at that point had to laugh. She loves her brothers, especially Cody. And I must say, they have been so sweet to her, beyond anything I ever expected. What wonderful boys I have!
We went to school with Cooper one day this week, which she loved. She has taken a liking to Cooper's teacher from the beginning. She also really likes Cooper's "girlfriend" Madison. It was a great day for her. During story time, she sat between the girls who were most dressed up that day, and all she did through the whole story was look at what they were wearing! I was trying not to laugh out loud.
Her English has exploded the past 2-3 days! Beyond what we ever expected. It's so sad she has to go back and lose all that she's learned, hopefully she'll retain some of it. Some of her favorites right now are "stop it", "come on", "hold on", "in a minute", "Ginger go potty", etc...
We had a Birthday Cake for her tonight, I tried to explain to her that her birthday is in 2 weeks and that she would be 7, not sure if she understood or not. But she was so excited that it was for her!
We haven't had much more of the behavior issues, she knows Mama don't play, and she corrects herself quickly.
She told the orphanage director that she wanted to buy a gift for her grandmother. We were told that her grandmother had passed and her grandfather was alive but too elderly to care for her. Maybe it's the other way around? We really hope that if she is alive, that we will be able to meet her, and get information and maybe photos for Anastasia to keep. I don't know what her parents were like, if they suitable or not, but no matter, I would still want her to have photos of them, it's part of who she is.
We are going to miss her so much. I hope the time goes quickly. This time with her has been such a gift. Having a child added to your family for a month then taken away is very hard. Children are so full of life, having one not there changes the whole household. Although I've tried to spread myself out well, I know the boys need some extra Mama time. It's kind of like having a new baby in the house, so she needed extra attention.
Please pray for our family tomorrow. Cody says he is going to try not to cry, but that he might! Cooper says he just wishes she could stay longer.

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