Monday, October 12, 2009


You know as in, "Anastasia go tell your brother it's time to eat." And in response she says, "wheez?" or "Anastasia go get your white and black bow for your hair." "OK Mommy, wheez?"

Wheez has been her abbreviation for "where is it" or "where is he" really any thing that has to do with where? There are many things she says that only make sense to us, you know kind of like when you have a toddler. We don't correct her grammar hardly at all becuase I feel like we are constantly correcting other things, school work, the way she walks, the way she sits, blah blah blah. But I told Gary we really need to choose several things to work on when it comes to language. And as cute as it is, wheez has got to go. And it is just like having a toddler, you correct them, then you miss them saying it. There are several things she used to say that we miss so much, but others cannot understand her.

For several weeks she was adding part onto all sorts of sentences. Like, "Mommy, can I have that part" Except there is no part, she just picks up a phrase and uses it. I let it go for a while, I explained what the word part meant. Finally I said, "OK, you may never ever use the word part EVER again!"

Now I have noticed that instead of just saying "there" she says "right there". This morning she wanted a bowl for her snack. When she went to get one, she came back and said, "right there doesn't have any bowls."

Too stinkin cute

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