Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello Wendy...Ummmm

OK, this is a little bit funny, OK pretty funny. I have a dear friend from Church named Wendy. I have been getting comments from a Wendy pretty often. I know that Wendy from church reads my blog, so I thought they were from her. So today I send her an invite to lunch and to say thanks I love all the comments you leave on my blog. Hahahaha, only to get an email back saying that she has never left a comment, although she reads my blog. OOPS!! I have even replied back to "Wendy" thinking it was the Wendy from church.

So, embarrassingly I have to ask, Wendy do I know you. I think you are a follower of my blog that I do not know personally. But if I do actually know you in "real" forgive me.

---I have many friends whom I have met online, through blogs, etc... Fellow adoptive Moms or CP Moms, some who are just as dear to me and just as huge blessings as "real" friends whom I know in the flesh----

And Wendy whomever you are thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I seem to have lots of traffic from many states and countries but hardly any comments, so Thank you!!!!


  1. Cara, I thought that was too funny . . . it'll be interesting to find out who Wendy is!

  2. I wrote you a comment, I think it was Friday and while I was trying to get it to actually post, I lost it. It was a long response too. LOL!!

    I do not know you personally but I have been following your blog for over a year now. I actually followed it closer to the beginning and then I had computer problems and a lost all my favorite blogs. I actually found it through another blog several months back and of course was so glad that I found it. I went back and got caught up on all that I missed which was a lot. LOL!!

    I do not normally respond to many blogs, at least not in the beginning of following them unless it is something I know a lot about. LOL!! After following your blog I felt like I do know you to some degree and that is why I would go ahead and respond to your post.
    The last time I responded I felt like you needed to know someone was on your side too. LOL!! I hope you do not mind me responding or that I have upset you with anything I wrote.

    I did not mean to confuse you! I do not normally go read the comments that are left, so I did not know you left me a response. If I had of I would have came forward at that time. Sorry about that! Guess I should read the comments once in a while. LOL!!

    Thanks again for sharing your apoption experience with all of us, and especially for letting us all know how things are going now. Your blog is one of the first ones I go read when I actually get on long enough to read.

