I wanted to post more about the conversation we had with Anastasia, yesterday morning at 2 am. The translator called to let us know that he had gotten through and that the caretaker was going to get Anastasia to come to the phone and to call back in 10 minutes. We are so blessed for her to be at an orphanage where they allow her to take our calls. And we talked for an hour!!! It was just a wonderful conversation, she had so many questions. She definitly knows that we are adopting her, not sure how, but she does.
Here are some of the highlights:
-When we come could we please come on a Monday evening because this is when her schedule is free!
-I told her she looked pretty in the pictures our friends took while we were there, and her response is that there is nothing pretty about her, to which I responded that she is very pretty, she then asked if that is the reason we want to adopt her. Which made me realize that it must seem mysterious to her why we want to adopt her. I just told her that we love her, that she is wonderul,funny,sweet, smart, etc... and that we want her to be our child forever just like Cody and Cooper are.
It's so hard to explain to her, that we just feel as if we are her parents, and that we have an unconditional love for her, she doesn't understand.
-She asked why all the kids who come to visit the USA don't get adopted. I told her some people cannot adopt.
-She wanted to know if her room was the same. And if she could have more pictures on the wall so she wouldn't be bored when she looked at them. Pink butterflies, preferrably!
-Can she have a TV in her room so she won't be scared at night. (hmm..typical child)
To which I explained that children in our house don't get TVs in their rooms.
-She wanted to know where she would go to school, I told her Cody's school, she wanted to know why not Cooper's school, and I told her that Cooper's school is for little children, and that even Cooper would be going to Cody's school next year
-She wanted to know what if she was too scared to ride the bus? I told her I would drive her to school. And pick me up? Yes, I told her I could also pick you up.
-"Why don't I share a room with Cody and Cooper" ME-"Because boys and girls don't usually share rooms" Her-"They do in the orphanage" Me-"Well not usually in homes"
Her-"Well why can't we get another girl, and I could share with Cody, and the other girl can share with Cooper" Me-"No, Maam, good try" Notice it would be her sharing with Cody, she adores Cody!!!
Which by the way Cody woke up in the middle of our conversation, and talked to her, she was so happy, and so was he. The only other person Cody has ever talked to on the phone are his grandparents, and even that is usually only a word or two, he avoids it all cost.
I just wanted to type that all out before I forgot details.
Aww she already has my heart!