Yeah, we are so excited. W
After some of my deep research, you guys know I love to research. I ran across something that lead me to beleive that we can in fact travel on our first trip, before INS approval. I know all this is hard to understand, but Atlanta is taking 5 months to process adoption INS forms, other states are currently taking 1-3 months. We had been told that we had to wait until our INS form was approved before we could travel on our first trip. NOT TRUE-yours truly, one very determined Mama Bear, found out that is not true, and confirmed it with our agency last night!!!! So we could travel as soon as February, when we thougth it would be May at the soonest, so this is good news for us, one less day in the orphanage is great news! So months is even better.
We've had one tie up with our homestudy, that we are getting taken care of today. And then it will be finalized.
Also Gary's passport is holding us up a bit, since he was born in Greece while his Dad was stationed there, we needed further proof that he is a US citizen, which luckily his father had, and he has mailed to us, and it will be in the mail today to the passport office.
After those 2 things, we will be sending off our INS paperwork (I600A). Yea!
We also discovered that one of our friends whom also is our neighbor not only has studied Russian culture extensively, but also speaks it! So that is great for us, we feel blessed to have her experience this with us!
Cara, Gary and the boys...I am so excited for you and this process. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with.